Recently one
of Warsaw’s coffee shops has shocked the internet with their newest offer:
coffee with human breast milk. They are promoting this ‘superfood’ as good for
our health and say that it can boost our immune system. Local’s spokesman
explains that the idea came from the western countries and there’s no legal
regulation that would forbid this kind of practise. The concept arouse
controversy mainly because breastfeeding for some still remains a taboo. Also
one of the most repeated question concerned the origin of the milk. Even though
there’s no medical proof that the breast milk would actually be beneficial for
adults, anyone who is interested in trying can to this by going to Żona Krawca since
8th of November
Lately, I came across an article about how fitness tracker helped resolving the murder investigation. Out of curiosity, I’ve decided to read it cause it appeared to be quite unusual. So, not to prolong: thing was happening in California. 67-years old woman was found in her house with wounds around her head and neck. Last person who saw her that day was her father, 80-years old Anthony Aiello. While asked about their meeting, he testified that they ate together and that they parted on good terms. Little did he know, that his daughter wore a fitness tracker on her wrist. Smartwatches like this can show us how many steps we make during the day, what’s our daily calories intake and among many others: they can measure our heartbeat. So, as you may have already guessed: the police with a help of the tracker could easily estimate the time of the death…and surprise, surprise: It happened to be exactly while she was supposed to be having a meal with her father. This time technology has ...
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